Tuesday, December 30, 2008

purple carrots

we planted a ton of carrots when we started our fabulous garden which later died because i was gone and no one cared for it. when i got home, there were still carrots in the ground so we decided to pull them and see if any were good. they hadn't been thinned out but some were decent sized. i'll definately plant some more next year.

so, we planted half orange and the other half a purple hybrid!! they were fully purple on the picture on the seed packet.
here's a few pictures of how they came out.

1 comment:

Emily said...

cool! those look tasty. my carrots all died before they got very big this year, we had such a dry summer and i kept forgetting to water them. but i did thin them out at one point and eat all the sprouts. have you ever done that? they are totally carrot-flavored even when they're tiny.